From major stations/airports to the nearest station (Higashi-Koganei; 東小金井)
The durations above are approximate.
From Higashi-Koganei (東小金井) station to Koganei (小金井) campus
Confirm the location of the campus
Google map
If you plan to walk from the station,
it will take about 12-13 minutes from the WEST (smaller) exit.
If you get there by taxi,
there is a taxi pool is on the north side of the EAST (larger) exit. It takes about 5 minutes.
Or by bus,
mini bus is available from the bus loop on the northeast exit. Buses regularly leave at :09, :29, and :49 every hour; a timetable in Japanese is
Get on from the FRONT door and pay JPY180. As soon as the announcement of "the next stop is No.11, Hosei University (the sound is like hoe-say-dye-gar-koo)" is made, press a red button close to you to inform the driver. More certain to tell the driver on your ride.
From the entrance to the rooms
Come in from the left entrace of the West Hall (just across the main gate)
Hiroyuki Goto's room: No. W5015
Students' room: Nos. W5013, W5011